Welcome to the SNUG forum. The SNUG committee have established this forum following requests from the signals industry at the February 2018 mini-SNUG workshop held in Auckland.
This forum is operated and moderated by volunteers in the signals industry, and is intended for those working in the signal industry.
This includes consultants, contractors, operators, students, and other interested people.
The topics are of a technical or engineering nature, and are the thoughts and opinions of other signal practitioners, based on their experience. All comments made and advice given are given by that member in good faith, based on the information presented.
If you wish to start a discussion topic, please consider the forum topics below, and choose the most appropriate forum for your discussion. If there are no appropriate forums, please post in the ‘General’ forum.
2022-06-07 11:58:23
Topic: SNUG Name
Over the last few years the question has been asked whether the name SNUG is still appropriate for us.
Although our guiding principles are still relevant, some consider that our name is a bit dated, and that we should consider rebranding.
So what do you think?
Please post your ideas on this topic thread, and also give feedback on the other ideas suggested.
By Tim Kirby 2022-06-09 19:12:16
Re: SNUG Name
A couple of options would be TSNZ (Traffic Signals New Zealand) or SENZ (Signals Engineering New Zealand). Both however are already "taken".... by Target Shooting NZ and Radio Sport respectively. Finding names that aren't already in use by other NZ organisations may be difficult.
By John Kinghorn 2022-06-20 17:02:41
Re: SNUG Name
Tim, presume you are just referring to the acronym, but there are many acronyms shared, so i don't thnk it's an issue that someone else has the same acronym. For example TSNZ is already shared by target shooting nz and train simulators nz.
Our actual name could (for example) be Traffic Signals NZ which will be unique, but the aconym shared.
The only issue i can see with having the same acronym is for the website address, but there are usually alternatives (e.g. tsnz.co.nz is used by trian simulators nz, tsnz.nz is used by target shooting nz, but it still leaves tsnz.kiwi available).