Welcome to the SNUG forum. The SNUG committee have established this forum following requests from the signals industry at the February 2018 mini-SNUG workshop held in Auckland.
This forum is operated and moderated by volunteers in the signals industry, and is intended for those working in the signal industry.
This includes consultants, contractors, operators, students, and other interested people.
The topics are of a technical or engineering nature, and are the thoughts and opinions of other signal practitioners, based on their experience. All comments made and advice given are given by that member in good faith, based on the information presented.
If you wish to start a discussion topic, please consider the forum topics below, and choose the most appropriate forum for your discussion. If there are no appropriate forums, please post in the ‘General’ forum.
By axel 2018-11-02 15:18:46
Topic: Traffic signal design workshops
We recently ran traffic signal design workshops for Christchurch City Council staff: three workshops of 3 hours each. The objective was to lift the knowledge level of staff across the organisation on fundamental aspects of design and operation of traffic signals. The target audiences were council’s in-house design team and CTOC staff, most of whom have little to do with the actual design of signals. The client’s objective was to give these staff a better understanding of the underlying concepts. Why are we doing what we are doing?
The training course was custom-designed for these workshops. Bruce Conaghan, the client for this commission, is happy for the material to be used to train others who work in the industry. The workshops were well received, with an average 94% rating of “good” or “very good” across all evaluation questions.
Is there interest elsewhere in the country for such training? If organisations signed up for this, would it be ok to let staff from smaller councils or consultants attend?